

Hello there,

👀 If you’re an early career researcher — PhD student, postdoc, or advanced master’s student — join us for a hands-on five-day workshop focused on Large Language Models in Social Sciences happening 23-27 September. This is your chance to dive deep into NLP and expand your research horizons!


Participation is restricted to postgraduate students, including masters, doctoral and early career researchers (within 3 years of PhD completion). We welcome applicants from all backgrounds and fields of study within social sciences.

We strongly encourage applications from those identifying with underrepresented groups in academia, NLP, and tech.

We are expecting to invite about 30 participants. You will be expected to fully attend, participate and engage in the entire workshop program. We will be providing you with a sandwich lunch and coffee break refreshments1. Unfortunately, we cannot offer you accommodation, but will send around a list of hotels, colleges, and hostels where you can find cheap accommodation.

We are offering ten scholarships of up to 400£ to reimburse travel and subsistence expenses (including accommodation) to participants travelling from outside of Oxford2

Interested? Apply here”. 💼 Don’t forget to include your CV and a brief statement of interest.

Hurry, applications close on 29 July 2024

We will notify all applicants on the application outcome on Thursday 08 Aug 2024.

Let’s explore the world of large language models together! 🎉

  1. We are working to secure additional funding to improve the food provision and would notify you on once we hear back from the extra grant applications before mid August. ↩︎

  2. We might provide additional travel grants if additional funding becomes available. All grant recipients will be notified together with the main notification on participation application. ↩︎